Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Challenges Everyday

Today I will be joining the Pfizer Transition Council as we work on our response to the Pfizer closings that will result in the reduction of over 600 workers up here in the North Country. The team I am working with is tasked with two major duties:
* Be prepared to assist workers looking for new opportunities for employment, with self employment being one of their options
* Assist existing businesses prepare for the market changes that are likely to occur due to this dramatic workforce reduction

While I am certainly concerned about the economic impacts of this closing, the reality is that this is just one challenge that existing small business owners have to face. As Garry Douglas, Executive Director of the Plattsburgh-North Country Chamber of Commerce, said at our first meeting, "Unfortunately, this is an area where we have some experience."

These market blips have happened before and, unfortunately, they are likely to happen again. Every day in business is a challenge and small business owners have an ongoing responsibility to prepare for contingencies in market changes. There will always be those business owners that are reactive; that is, they only deal with a problem when it arises. Many of them will come up with great strategies to deal with those situations and our office is prepared to provide them with assistance as they develop their plans.

I've written before that there is a certain Darwinian aspect to business survival. As he said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” The same holds true for small businesses.

Still, the best strategy is to follow the key advice that Stephen Covey identifies in his best selling book, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." The small business owners that are proactive, that continually take measures to grow their markets and develop contingency plans so they are prepared for market changes are likely to be more successful. It is much easier to adapt to change if you are prepared for change.

The reality is that there will be new challenges everyday, so be prepared to adapt. Yet there will also be new opportunities for growth, so plan for that, as well!

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